Pretty Sure You're Fine - The Health and Wellness Guide for Hypochondriacs, Overthinkers, and Worrywarts
Chronicle BooksISBN: 9781797217185
Publication date: 08 Dec 2022
Author: David Vienna
From David Vienna, author of CALM THE F*CK DOWN, comes this fun counter-argument to every wellness fad and lifestyle expectation, assuring readers that they’re doing just fine as is! Packed with amusing yet comforting advice on topics from physical fitness and nutrition to motivation and work-life balance, this is the place to turn for anyone who needs to quit worrying about the little stuff (and some medium stuff, too). With input from real experts in mental and physical health fields, the advice in this book is silly, snarky, and actually reassuring. A perfect gift for anyone with a sense of humor who needs an excuse to live a better and more stress-free life.