Vegetarian for a New Generation - Seasonal Vegetable Dishes for Vegetarians, Vegans, and the Rest of Us
Abrams BooksVegetarian for a New Generation celebrates vegetarian dishes loaded with farm stand goodness. Liana Krisoff draws on food traditions from around the world, offering new and much-simplified takes on classics like ratatouille and South Indian pepper water and delving into lesser-known dishes like torta di fagiolini (an easy but brilliant green bean torte) that deserve wider appreciation. The recipes are organised by season and by type within each season. There will also be a selection of healthy recipes for fruits, beans, legumes, nuts, grains, eggs and dairy as well as a series of menus for putting all these ideas together into delicious, satisfying full meals. Not intended exclusively for vegetarians, vegans, or the gluten-free, Vegetarian for a New Generation encourages home cooks to enjoy and experiment with all the colourful produce they can get from their local grocer, from online and traditional farmers’ markets and from CSA arrangements. This book offers hundreds of ideas for making every vegetable dish count.