Warhol Philosophy Pencil Set (Pencils)
Galison MudpuppyISBN: 9780735337008
Publication date: 01 Jan 2013
Author: Galison
Galison's set of Andy Warhol Philosophy Pencils are sure to be a hit with anyone who likes to write, draw, or doodle. Eight hexagonal natural wood pencils have brightly hued erasers and are enlivened with silk-screened Andy Warhol aphorisms: Green eraser: Art is what you can get away with. Blue eraser: In the future everybody will be world famous for fifteen minutes. Orange eraser: I never read, I just look at pictures. Pink eraser: Being good in business is the most fascinating kind ofart. Yellow eraser: Wasting money puts you in a real party mood. Blue eraser: Everybody must have a fantasy. Grey eraser: Isn't life a series of images that change as they repeat themselves? Pink eraser: I never fall apart because I never fall together.